In development...
Enchatment is a short, multiplayer third-person shooter with three unique environments, enriched by an interactable companion powered by generative AI. Players are given four different spells that they can utilize by spending Mana Points to defeat the various enemies and bosses found in the game. I made this in a team of six for the Gaming (game development) Capstone class at Arizona State University. In addition to designing and programming the UI, I worked on programming the progression flags, level traversal, checkpoints, respawn system, and actor replication for multiplayer.
Created with Unreal Engine 5.
Toy Car Football is an arcade-style sports game where two players control toy cars trying to bump a ball into the opposing goal to score points. I made this game for my Game Engine Development class at Arizona State University. The engine was made in class using the MonoGame framework, and I tweaked some of the physics code to make a soccer/football game.
Created with a custom engine using Monogame (Microsoft XNA Framework).
Combining precise platforming and fast-paced enemy encounters, HOOKED is a short, first-person 3D platformer that pits the main character, Budd, against dangerous environments equipped with nothing but his trusty grappling hook. HOOKED is a game I made with a team for our Game Development II class at Arizona State University. I was in charge of UI design/programming, level design for the second level, and other general scripting.
Created with Unity.
Mouse Brigade is a short, 2D side-scrolling game I made as the final project for my Game Development class at Arizona State University. Try to find and defeat the boss while collecting permanent upgrades along the way!
Created with GameMaker.